Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Things We Love

I am a bit of a health nut.  Not overly crazy, just a little less...well American in my diet than most.  Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE Chick-Fil-a and various other fast food.  I love a good cheeseburger.  Sweet tea is a delectable treat and a must for summer.  But in our lifestyle we have to eat out a lot.  So when I am at home what I cook is more than a few healthy steps above Bojangles.

My husband grew up not eating many veggies and eating a ton of sugar.  So when we got married we had some issues agreeing on what was bought at the grocery store.  This applies not only to food, but sometimes more so to the beverage category.  I didn't want to have super sweet tea in the house all the time and he wanted something besides water.  One day I stumbled upon a little green box that brought harmony to our dinner table!

Let me start by saying not all green tea is created equal.  This is the ONLY brand we like.  Others tend to taste like either grass, mint or citrus.  Ick.  But this is pure refreshment!  Hardly a day goes by when we don't have a pitcher of this in our fridge.  And I'm proud to say we are responsible for converting many green tea haters into lovers.  :)  Green tea has more antioxidants, less caffeine and requires less sugar than black tea.  So while the heat of the summer lingers on, I highly suggest you go grab a box of this goodness and do the following:

Microwave 4 bags in 2 cups water for 2 1/2 minutes
Let steep until nice and green
Add 1/4-1/3 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved
add 6 cups cold water and chill
try not to drink the entire thing in one day (good luck)

1 comment:

  1. i may have to look for this. we only have water at home, because we are anti-HFCS and sugary drinks (with the exception of chick-fil-a's sweet tea) but this sounds great.

    and don't forget the weight control properties. you know, for those of us trying to kick that baby weight to the curb! =)
