Monday, September 20, 2010

Rock a bye baby...

Today marks exactly one month until our due date with baby number 2!!  While I am still in shock at the reality of this, I am feeling the pressure more and more.  This is especially true when I remember that Eden was 2 weeks early!  Yikes!

Currently, the baby's room looks a lot like an attic.  Boxes everywhere, a crib in pieces on the floor, no furniture what so ever (we realized about a week ago that we have NO furniture for his/her clothes.  This happens when someone is living in the "nursery" pre-move with their own furniture.  Oops!).

Anyway, we have gone back and forth about whether or not to keep the baby with us in our bedroom at first.  We kept Eden with us because she never slept.  And at the time walking across the house every 45 minutes didn't sound very exciting.  However, we know moving the baby out of the room means a little more sleep for at least one parent.  We don't have a bassinet and so had settled on just putting the baby in his/her room.  That is until my mom showed me this... Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper.


What a great idea!  With the amount of traveling we do, and the lack of flexibility even a small bassinet provides, this is amazing!  It holds a baby up to 25 lbs. (which in theory means my toddler could use it!  Ha!) and folds up to move from room to room (or city to city- hooray no huge pack-and-play to pack in our car!)!  So now, this little one can sleep in our room at night, in the living room during the day and at grandma's for the weekend...eventually.

This is a must have for us.  Thanks Fisher Price!  I cant wait to get one of these for our new little one!

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