Saturday, September 11, 2010

The parade isn't cancelled...

What we didn't tell you about our moving day is how after gifts were abundantly poured on us, things fell apart, literally.  You can always count on Satan trying to rain on your parade when things are going well.  He always tries to taint the good gifts the Lord gives us. 

So heres how it went....

We leave closing to fill up our U-haul with the first load and have to wait a while for the cleaning ladies to finish up.  We end up not getting to the new house until 6 pm.  Not great when your plan is to sleep there.  While unloading the very first piece of furniture, I watch as my treasured dining room table gets pushed too far and "craaaaack" goes the leg.  I had previously joked with Clint that they could break anything they wanted, just not my table.  Ouch. 

There is a car right across the street from our house whose back window has been smashed.  Not exactly a warm welcome.

Two sweet girls from UNCG showed up a few minutes later with cookies, sweet tea and bubbles to keep my toddler happy.  It worked amazingly well, but apparently the mass amount of sugar being ingested also led to every mosquito in Greensboro finding my daughter. 

We then walk into the now (mostly) empty house to find multiple mouse traps.  Yikes.

A random guy stops his car in the middle of the road, walks into our yard, directs not so nice words at my hubby and asks everyone there for a cigarette.

Someone unintentionally warns us that we now live beside THE party spot.  Great.

I watch as a truck is moved with our glider on the back.  It falls off and breaks.  Ugh.

We don't go to sleep until 2 am and both wake up at 6 am to allergy attacks, thanks to the never-been-cleaned blinds left behind.  We decide to get up and medicate with coffee. We are overwhelmed and slightly scared that we made the wrong decision.  Was this not a gift from the Lord?  Was it just our doing?  And that's when this happened.

I fix our coffee and sit down in front of our huge window that looks onto the side street.  We pray and I look up to see what...?  THE SUNRISE!  Right there outside the biggest window in the house.  I can see the steam of my piping hot coffee in its light.  What a way to start the day.  And I might add that I have had a particular love for sunrises (and sunsets) for many years.  Our engagement morning started with such a grace. We are immediately relieved.  This is the icing on the cake, a sign from the Lord that He is with us, and we have indeed sought Him and found Him in this decision. 

Since then it has been nothing but affirmation.  We love this house.  But the Giver is much much better than the gift! 

1 comment:

  1. Girl, my heart just reached out to you as I read this. We went through these same feelings, fears and doubts when we moved to a new house this past April. It was and continues to be a struggle to find peace about whether or not we made the right decision. Up until move in day it seemed crystal clear that God had made everything fall in to place. We couldn't wait to get in the house! Then, once we were sleeping that first night in the house I laid on the mattress still on the floor and just stared blindly at the ceiling all night begging God to make me wake up in my old house like it had all been a bad dream! Anyway, I am praying for you and hope you continue to find peace in each day. If nothing else, I remind myself each day that a house is just another material object that will pass away. It is the joy, hope and peace that remains...
