Monday, March 19, 2012

The Potty Wars

 About 2 years ago we began a process that we had no idea would end up the way it did.  Our little 18 month old baby girl was sharp as a tack and could speak in sentences.  She was clearly able to use the potty....ha.  We had another little one on the way and I was anxious to get her potty trained before #2 made his grand entrance.  So, I did some research and decided I was going to go with the "potty training in a weekend" route.  Sigh.

She was terrified.  She hated using the potty, she refused, she would sit on it and scream until we let her off.  We asked our parents, friends, looked online.  As always, the opinions differed in every possible way. Some said spank, others said wait, some said try reading to her while she's on it, others said take a break and try again later.  We opted for the break.  I can't remember exactly when it was when she started consistently pee-peeing in the potty, but it was a while ago.  Success right?  Nope.

Going #2 was a whole different issue.  Again research ensued and we came up confused and defeated.  This little tiny girl was either scared to death of it, exercising her power over us, or had some trust issue we were unaware of.  We have prayed about it a good bit.  We have offered rewards and given correction.  Nothing worked.

Last night, after an interaction with her that seemed to make it clear it was a power struggle, we decided it was time.  We gave the ultimatum in the car and told her she must go when we got home (we knew she needed to).  I was so anxious.  I knew this meant the next week may be awful.  Tears, discipline, pouting, consuming our days.  Ugh.  When we got home I sat outside the bathroom door and listened to our 3 1/2 year old pray to the Lord to help her poo-poo in the potty.  I couldn't believe it.  A few minutes later she opened the doors with wide eyes and declared somewhat shocked "I did it!".  We danced, we sang, we put on her PJ's and drove to Target to buy the train we had been promising FOREVER.  A 2 year (2 year!) weight was lifted from our shoulders.  She was so proud of herself.  We called grandparents and she told the cashier at Target about her success.  It was glorious.

The more days I live as a parent, the more I realize how much there is to learn.  I have been ashamed of my "way too old" girl not using the potty "on time" whatever that is.  I have compared myself to the moms who potty train their kiddos quickly and efficiently.  I have questioned our decisions around it 1,000 times.
The Lord has taught me so much about patience, perseverance, grace and encouragement through this.  I am thankful for the lessons, and I know one day we will laugh about how hard this has been for us.  But I think the most significant lesson was Eden's.  Our God answers prayers.  Even small, seemingly insignificant prayers.  He longs to hear us and he longs to answer.  I pray she would never forget that lesson.  And if every day of the past 2 years was for that, it was worth it.

"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."  Matthew 21:22

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