Monday, February 28, 2011

Makin' it more homey

I have this internal game I play with myself.  I hate spending money, but I have rather expensive taste.  I LOVE Pottery Barn (and where I'm from, that's expensive) but refuse to pay $45 dollars for pillows.  I like to call it "frugal," my husband likes to call it "cheap".  Whatever you call it, its workin for me right now.  

So when we moved in to this dream house of ours, I set my frugality on high and frequently visited my two favorite places to find little treasures.  Ross and TJ Maxx.  And boy did I hit the jackpot.  The first wonderful find were these fabulous baskets!  If you need baskets of any kind, go to Ross.  They have some amazing ones!  These were $8, $10, and $12! (please ignore the mass of toys coming out of them...).

 I got home and found these in my Pottery Barn catalog.  These cost $69-199.  A PIECE!  My Pottery Barn radar clearly went off :)


And then there was the floor.  We had this little cheap rug we bought pre-babies.  What you don't know about rugs before you have kids is that it really needs to be thick and large.  It is no longer something to break up floor space.  It is a play area, fall catching, movie watching, horsey-riding, grasshopper hopping area that must be comfortable!

So I went to TJ Maxx (not to buy a rug, but to entertain a cranky 2 year old) and I saw this ah-may-zing rug.  A few of them actually.  The price hurt my feelings a bit, but as any of you who have had to buy an area rug know, any good one is gonna cost you!  So I went home and discussed it with hubby and brought him back to get a second opinion.  And then it made its home with us.  And we love it.

So, just out of curiosity, I flipped through my Pottery Barn catalog.  And what do ya know?

Not bad, huh?

1 comment:

  1. this rug is amazing!!! I don't see any flowered rug or flowered ANYTHING in my near future with Will. He is terrified of flower prints... (bad choice for him to marry a designer) haha maybe i can show him that Clint is okay with it and he will agree! :) but seriously... this rug is very CUTE!!
