Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Forgive me...

I have been on an unintentional blog hiatus.  It isn't because nothing is going on with us.  Quite the opposite actually.  In the past four months I've battled bronchitis 3 times, gave birth, celebrated 3 birthdays and Christmas, traveled to who knows how many cities, counseled girls on relationships, learned that a long hard prayer had been answered, seen way too much brokenness, taught a 2 year old 10 letters, watched WAY TOO MUCH Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, witnessed my little man learn to roll over...both ways, joined a small group, loved a small group, nursed a sick baby...twice, and sat down a couple of times in between all that! 

The Lord has been hard at work lately, expanding our capacities and teaching us a ton.  I have much to say but little time to say it.  Life has happened and I'm trying to keep up.  But in the midst of craziness, it has been very very good. 

And just to keep you checking in.... 


  1. Love the pictures- you are one busy mama! Rest in knowing that your "boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places!" You're doing great girl!

  2. Love getting to hear about your life here! Miss you guys! Wish we were closer to each other in distance!

  3. Thanks for the update! Both of our little sweeties are growing!
