Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tis the season!

Wondering where we've been?  The answer is a little bit of everywhere.  Apologies to all those who have been anticipating an update on life (ie: pictures of the babies)!  I have been trying to find time to send a little update but life just hasn't slowed down.  I caved when I got a text from a friend pleading for an update.  Oops!

So lets see....we left off at Eden's Mickey Mouse birthday....

We spent Thanksgiving with my extended fam in Belle.  Love that place.  Life just seems slower and more restful there.

  I cant hardly handle this.  My Papa and Eden looking at fish

 Lil family photo complements of my skilled step dad

And then we decorated.  I LOVE THIS HOUSE.

 It was a family affair

 We celebrated a sleeper!  Praise the Lord!!

 We got a little snow on the most perfect weekend

 We ate doughnuts. We. Love. Dunkin.

 We got Miss E a little something to bless us with :)

 Made some new friends while enjoying Shelby for Christmas:)

 We bombarded this little stud with pictures.  How cute is that dimple?

 Got more snow!  Wooo White Christmas!

 Went to DC to be a part of the Al!ve conference.  It was amazing!

Prayed for the nation.  How breathtaking is this pic?  Hundreds of college students praying for our country and its leaders!  Lord hear our cry!!

And got the flu...or something equally as icky. pics for that. 

1 comment:

  1. i love miss eden's little boots! and that piano!? how cute is that!?

    glad you have a sleeper! that is a blessing in itself. glad you guys had a great christmas!
