Thursday, October 14, 2010

Its a.....


Ananias Clinton Darst

We really believe in naming our babies meaningful names.  This one was a big surprise for us.  One night we were reading Eden the story of Paul's conversion (Acts 9) from the Jesus Storybook Bible.  We ran across this character whom neither one of us had ever noticed before.  Clint joked as he had with many other crazy names, "This could be our son's name." I laughed it off asking, "what do you call him, An, Ana?" Clint studied up on Acts 9 and this mysterious character. He ended up doing all of his beach project leaders teaching from the example Ananias set for us.  Ananias heard from the Lord, questioned his ability to do what God was calling him to (restore the sight of a man who was killing or imprisoning every Christian he came in contact with!), trusted God's promises, and went to fulfill God's call on his life.  And then something very interesting happens, he virtually falls off the planet.  You never again hear of Ananias.  He holds a significant role in the life of the most influential Christian leader, outside of Christ, and then he disappears from the pages of the Bible.  We pray this for our son, that he would fulfill the call God has on his life, meet the needs of those whom God has called Him to minister to and then fade into the background as the Lord's will is finished.  We pray like Ananias He will be used by God to raise up men like the Apostle Paul...So how DO you abbreviate Ananias, what will we call him?..."NIAS"

Clinton is actually Clint's middle name.  It is a family tradition and this one makes at least the 5th straight generation with the first male having Clinton as his middle name.

So with great joy we welcome this child into our home! Please join with us in praying for his salvation!


  1. YEAHH!!! So happy for you both!! what a wonderful name as well :)

  2. what a beautiful namesake for your son to live up to. you guys are amazing parents and your children are so blessed to have you. hope you get some rest, girl!

  3. Congratulations to you all!
    I have loved hearing about the reasons you chose his name. May God continue to bless him -- and all of you.
