Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am on this new natural kick.  Some of my motivation is coming from a persistent skin issue I have, that seems to be getting worse.  The other motivation is that I am pregnant for the second time.  With Eden I tried to use natural or at least non-smelly cleaners, but my routine as far as what I put on my body didn’t change.  The more I think about it, and read labels that seem to be in another language, the more convicted I become about what products I use.  This has also been aided by a mother in law who is currently making her own line of natural beauty products (sweet!).  I have switched to her soap, deodorant, and lotion, and LOVE all of the above.  I have also started using olive oil or coconut oil as a facial moisturizer.  I love the feeling of knowing all the ingredients are natural, and the freedom to use them knowing everything that is being absorbed into my body is safe for the little one growing there.  Shampoo and conditioner are next.  As far as hair products, when they start making natural serum and mousse that isn’t $20 a bottle, let me know.  

In the midst of my skin woes, I started looking up mineral makeup.  I learned that not all are created equal and many are not natural at all.  Thanks to Passionate homemaking, who did the homework for me, I started looking at Bare Minerals and Everyday Minerals.  I had recently gone to a store near my house and tried out Bare Minerals.  I wasn’t a huge fan, I think the girl used the wrong color on me.  So I began to browse Everyday Minerals site.  They offer free samples (4 in a pack) of foundation so that you can try them before you buy the big compact of your color.  You only pay shipping.  So me, my mom, and my mother in law all went in together and got 3 different packs: Medium, Olive and Tan.  And I must say, I’m in love.  I have never been a fan of makeup.  I hate the way foundation feels on my face and have refused to wear it except when made to (proms, etc).  But having a baby will make you need foundation.  So I took the plunge into the mineral world, and I am sold.  It looks and feels as if I don’t have any makeup on at all, which is my desire, and you can sleep in it!!!  Thats a big deal for someone who virtually never takes what makeup she does wear, off.   I also ordered some concealer and a little eyeshadow/blush pack called “At the Zoo” (appropriate, yes?).  I have been telling everyone about it.  (Did I mention I love it?)  And here's the best part.  A full size foundation is only $9.50...NOT $25!  Cover Girl can hardly compete with that!  So here is my official thank you to Everyday Minerals for easing my skin woes and quickly and comfortably making me look a lil cuter for my man ;)

1 comment:

  1. We love the "natural" stuff too! Rayna and I (and sometimes the boys) use coconut oil for our skin, and I love mineral make-up, too. We have some great cleaners, too, if you ever want recipes or recommendations. :) I hope your time at the beach is going well! Tell everyone we said hi.
